Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Box of Pandoras

 The immigration debate in the US and Mexico its turning complicated at its best and dishonest at its worst, in both sides of the border there is plenty of hypocrisy. Everyone is pursuing their own selfish political and/or economical interests, and if that means never solving this problem, so be it.
 Everything gravitates around two systems in perpetual moral bankruptcy, one north, the other south of the Rio Grande.
North of the Rio Grande the once powerful “Coloso del Norte” (Northern Colossus,)like the Mexican media calls the US receives thousands of immigrants legal and illegal each year. Most of them from Mexico. Sixty per cent of all immigrants into US are from that part of the world.
 Lets zoom a little bit into Mexico; second largest Spanish speaking country, most populous Spanish speaking country (100+million people.)Second largest economy in Latin America and the third commercial partner of the US for at least 30 years, barely under Canada and China.
 Unlike the US its population has not been fostered by immigration from Europe due to the fact that Spaniards came to conquer and loot, (they didn’t bring their families) and didn’t do a thorough job in exterminating the natives as well as their Americans (Europeans) counterpart did. So its population is mainly mestizos or natives with a small percent of whites and Asians.
 Despite of the fact that Mexico and the US are from two different stocks of either white and/or native population you could say that Mexico has been an appendage of US since its inception.
All the leaders of the Mexican revolutions (independence and civil wars) found refugee and help in the US. (US intervened in other countries since its birth)not to mention the Mexican American War.
 From the very beginning US infiltrated the Mexican government to influence policies in Mexico. In exchange US will grant the Mexican political elite a great deal of slack regarding their internal issues.
 Two hundred years after its birth Mexico finds itself more dependant of the US than ever and the same could be said about the US. The most pressing issue now is indisputable crime. For others would be the economy, or immigration (all linked.)
 In 2011, in the state of Tamaulipas MX, a group of 72 immigrants from Central America, were kidnapped and later murdered in cold blood by one of the many rapacious criminal organizations that control the border with US to exploit every possible criminal endeavor.

 These crimes would have been just another massacre in a long list of unsolved murders along the wide Mexican territory if one poor soul hadn’t survived the ordeal. Later that same person identified Mexican immigration officials as the ones who delivered the immigrants to the brutal cartel.

 You might think these murders would open a Pandora box, in which the Mexican government would pursue justice for all immigrants crossing the Mexican territory to reach the American dream. Wrong! It just opened a box of pandoras that keep coming out without end in sight.
The root of the problem is entrenched very deep in the night of time, but is suffice to say that corruption is prevalent in all areas of the Mexican government. Everybody knows that in Mexico a moving violation is deleted right in the spot with a bribe.
As you ascend the chain of command of the Mexican security apparatus the premiums (bribes) to solve any problem civil or penal are adjusted according to the wealth of the suitor and the seriousness of the offense(like crooked insurance agent.) With this in context lets go back to the immigration issue  For the last ten years the immigration of Central Americans and others to US via MX has been increasing adding this to the long list of problems that the Mexican state is facing.
Central Americans emigrate to US for the same reasons Mexicans, Albanians, Africans or Russians do, to find their American dream, for some is work hard for a decent retirement, for others have a business, for others go to college, and for others just survive of the magnificent services that this country offers to the poor.
To get to US Central Americans have to cross multiple countries violating several sovereign states. In a perfect world, immigration would take place respecting international treaties and borders to guarantee the security of immigrants, and the integrity of the process. But we live in an unpredictable world with many dynamic situations. USA is an industrial power who has already peaked. The other countries are ascending that lather. (to be continued.)

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