The Reptiles are on the wall
Powerful in paper and virtual money, they are the parasitic elite of financiers, bankers, hedge fund managers, a conglomerate of investors, with interests mainly but not limited to the pharmaceutical, agribusiness, oil, including the military industrial complex contractors and subcontractors. They are the spearhead of American capitalism gone wild beyond any mad scientist’s expectations.This bundle comprises the degenerates that control everything. ‘Money, politics and power in this United States of amnesia,’ to quote the great Gore Vidal.They are the rulers of a game that has been rigged from the beginning. Our economic and political systems are based on inside information, peddling of influences and/or outright imposition on the more pure Soviet style. By interfering with and influencing who wins and who loses the famous free market enterprise of our capitalistic system is just a masquerade to hide the Wizards of Oz behind the bamboo curtains. The rulers of America are writing and rewriting the rules to favor some interest even if it means harm to our environment and consequently our health. Just ask Monsanto how many court decisions have been manipulated to favor its interests.Both political parties are entangled very deep with these parasitic elites. Bush was put in power by the barons of oil and in return he gave them tax breaks, deregulation and a series of never-ending wars enough to make each of his compadres millionaires. Obama was put there by Wall Street and in return he did pay their outstanding bills and backed down from his promises of universal health care. Instead he made health care insurance mandatory a beautiful gift to insurance companies, in fact we have a publicly subsidized financial sector. The rules are always twisted in favor of private interests in detriment of the common good and/or public interests.Knowing all these facts it is easy to deduce that the real power behind the throne is in the financial corporations and their toxic derivatives like oil companies, insurance companies, agribusiness, pharmaceutical, and - ah! - forgot to mention the weapons industrial complex. They control our health care system and our lives too.These blood sucking vampires are loyal to no one - their only purpose is to create fake wealth out of speculation. They fabricate weird terms like, Credit Default Swaps and Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations to play with our money and justify their voodooo math.We got to the point where the once proud people of the USA have been cornered with no choice but to submit or resist. The powerful private interests, especially mega corporations, will never give up an inch by allowing public interest to prevail.They have tasted already unlimited power and money under George II of Transtexania and they want more of it, like an insatiable nymphomaniac. They are sick to the bone.The illegitimate owners of the U.S., have the legit owners (We the People) under a heavy headlock to accept slavery. We have been brainwashed into believing that we have health care reform and financial reform, what a joke!And adding insult to injury, the Supreme Court has decided in favor of declaring corporations as having the same right to free speech as individuals. Can you believe BP has the right to the 5th thanks to Clarence Thomas, Scallia and all those Bush appointed judges in the pockets of BP or GE or Boeing?What a travesty of justice. Probably deep inside those corporate monsters minds lingers the evolutionary theory of the survival of the fittest no matter what. Sorry to tell you the truth but this is your evil mind telling to cheat, steal and kill in order to be filthy rich for the rest of your life uh!
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